Rogers Dynasonic Serial Numbers

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Mar 15, 2017  Shortly after this initial production run, Rogers began stamping serial numbers on an oval dynasonic badge beginning with 1001 (which is known to be a Blue Sparkle wood shell). The very first brass shells, which were intertwined with the production of wood dynasonics, were manufactured by the Gretsch Drum Company.

Rogers Dynasonic Serial NumbersDynasonic

Yeah, so that’s definitely a chrome over brass 5x14 Dynasonic and that serial number would suggest late 60s/early 70s Dayton Ohio manufacture. Rogers script logo, oval badge (pre Big “R”). Is there a paper tag glued into the inside of the snare? That can help with IDing Rogers drums sometimes.

So, these are desirable drums, and assuming all yr parts are original and your snare frame assembly works, it’s worth several hundred bucks even in parts. Unfortunately, I can’t tell from your pics if all the gunk in the outside of the shell is dirt that can be polished away or -more likely- chrome pitting off the brass inner core of the drum. Bot na igru 11x11 4. The condition of that chrome plating absolutely moves the resale price point. And course, how well the thing plays is a big factor as well: with that broken bottom head you won’t know how it’s supposed to sound. Take it to a drum shop and see what they’s worth the time to let somebody who can see it close up make a better guess than I can from this distance. Edit: I’ll boil down my windy verbiage: I can’t tell from those pics whether you have a Parts drum, a Players drum or a Collectors drum.