Proekt Lodki

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Lodki Dzhevetskogo, K-222, Yuri? Dolgoruki?, Podvodnye lodki proekta 945 Barrakuda, Svyato? Pobedonosets, B-413, K-173 Krasnoyarsk, Bryansk,. Kilo and scorpene: difference in similarities KILO and SCORPENE - difference in similarities Due to the heated argument on the basis why we opted for 2 scorpene class subs and not 6 Kilo class subs like what the Vietnamese are a full length explanation from a lay man point of view on the said issue.

Contents • • • • • History [ ] Corporation 'Proekt-technika' was established in 1988. The “Radon” production cooperative was also founded this year. In 1990, members founded the 'Proekt-technika' Design Bureau. In 1993, merged with the corporation. In 2009, the 'Proektelektrotechnika' enterprise was established to produce dry-type three-phase.

The Corporation starts to supply mobile field hospitals for export. In 2011, the ' enterprise became a part of the Corporation 'Proekt-technika'. Production [ ] Corporation 'Proekt-technika' develops, manufactures and provides aftersale maintenance of mobile special and multipurpose equipment. The company is the largest supplier of mobile equipment for the of the. The company’s products are listed in the and are exported to 21 countries.

The company produces three levels of equipment which differ from each other by the percentage of foreign components and materials in the equipment (at the request of the, it is prohibited to use foreign materials in some samples of special equipment). More than 1000 units of equipment are produced annually. Structure and management [ ] Corporation 'Proekt-technika' includes mobile equipment production plants (Shumerlya Special Vehicles Plant, Oreltekmash ), transformers production plant (Proektelektrotechnika), engineering, and service centers. According to the 2013 data, about 2500 employees are working at the company’s enterprises. Shavasp Kalashyan is the Chairman of the Board of the company.

Finances [ ] The primary customer of Corporation 'Proekt-technika' is the. In 2008 the Main Automotive-Armored Tank Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation signed a three-year contract with the company worth four billion rubles for the supply of maintenance shops. In 2012–2013, the turnover of the two largest enterprises of Corporation 'Proekt-technika' (ShZSA and Oreltekmash) totaled up to 2.20 billion and 700 million rubles respectively. References [ ].

Proekt Lodki

Archived from on 19 December 2014. Archived from on 22 February 2015.


Retrieved 1 March 2015. Plakat denj konstitucii uzbekistana. CS1 maint: Archived copy as title () • ^. • ^ 24 March 2016 at the •.

11 September 2014. Archived from on 23 October 2013. Retrieved 28 November 2014. CS1 maint: Archived copy as title () •.

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Archived from on 14 September 2014. Retrieved 28 November 2014. CS1 maint: Archived copy as title () •. Archived from on 5 December 2014.