Gta Samp Admin Hack
Free gta sa samp 0.3 c samp 0.3 c cs 1.6 admin rcon hack cod4 rcon hack v4.2. Download gta samp score hack free samp rcon hacking 2011 free samp 0.3 c. Save Player Statistics: Deaths,Kills,Money. This how-to on hacking Windows 7/8/10 etc. Admin account passwords using Windows Magnifier is focused on adding, changing, or deleting an admin level.
The following is a list of Admin commands that can be used in-game. Remember that commands are never to be abused. Also, some commands are not able to be performed on other admins who are the same or a higher admin level if you attempt to, the other admin will be informed. Slots Command Lvl Description /s 2 Saves your current coordinates into a slot that other players can load (teleport to).
If you do not supply a value for no vehicles allowed players will be able to telepprt and bring their vehicles. If you set it to 1 they will not be able to bring a vehicle and will arrive at the destination on foot. You can also save a slot in an interior but you should not let players bring vehicles.
Slots are numbered from 1 to 100. /l 0 Loads the saves coordinates from the slot and teleports the player to the destination. If vehicles are not allowed and the player is in a vehicle they will arrive on foot. Slots are numbered from 1 to 100. /c 4 Clear the contents of a slot. Slots are numbered from 1 to 100.
Other tags are automatically from objects further up in the device tree. Microsoft exchange server 2013 polnoe rukovodstvo pdf. You can add additional tags to the sensor if you like. These are visible above as Parent Tags.
/e 2 Echoes the coordinates stored in a slot to IRC. Slots are numbered from 1 to 100. /cas 4 Clears the contents of all slots 1 to 100. Positioning Command Lvl Description /gx 2 Move the specified player id the distance supplied in the X plane. If no player id is supplied the id of the person who typed the command will be used. Valid numbers are from -99,999 to 99,999.
/gy 2 Move the specified player id the distance supplied in the Y plane. If no player id is supplied the id of the person who typed the command will be used. Valid numbers are from -99,999 to 99,999. /gz 2 Move the specified player id the distance supplied in the Z plane.
If no player id is supplied the id of the person who typed the command will be used. Valid numbers are from -99,999 to 99,999.
/setloc 2 Sets your position to the specified X, Y and Z values. Valid numbers are from -99,999 to 99,999.
Punishments Command Lvl Description /isolate 3 Freezes the target player then builds a cage around them. They are unfrozen and the cage is automatically removed after the time period you specify. If you type /isolate without a player id a cage will be built around you and remain for 1 minute (however you are not frozen).
Note only 1 isolation cage can be active at any one time. /deisolate 3 Unfreezes and removes the cage around any previously isolated player. /cashier 2 Freezes the target player and puts them behind a cash register in a 7/11. The player will remain frozen until you /unfreeze them. This punishment is ideal for money cheaters. /strip 2 Freezes the target player and puts them on a stage in a strip club.