Grande Bm Kurs Arabskoj Grammatiki V Sravniteljno
Dolgopolsky, 'Lexical convergence and long-range comparison of languages'. Handout for the international conference 'Problemy izuchenija dal'nego rodstva jazykov' (Moscow, May-June 2OOO). Dolgopolsky, 'Lexical and grammatical convergence in Semitic'. Abstracts of a lecture (Tel-Aviv Univ., 2001). Dolgopolsky, 'On lateral obstruents in Hamito-Semitic'.
Introduction 1.1 Reasons for Initiating Doctoral Studies a) In assessing the purpose for initiating new doctoral studies at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Zagreb, it is worthwhile to consider the fact that ninety-nine candidates have earned.
AD LOHSa = A. Cbrom exe bios. Dolgopolsky, 'On lateral obstruents in Hamito-Semitic' [abstracts].